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Trends and Fads Time Travel in the Philippines

19th century to 21st century - the fads and trends in education and communication technology. 19th Century (January 1801 - December 1900) Trends and Fads in Education            During the colonization of Spaniards in the Philippines, a lot has changed in the once a virgin paradise. Along that change is the innovation of the way of living among the Filipinos. Education of the ancient early Filipinos during the pre-Spanish era was informal and unstructured. The first teacher of the Filipinos was their very own parents. Fathers taught little boys to cook and hunt or any means of livelihood while mothers taught girls the household chores, thus preparing them to be good husbands and wives in the future. Early Filipinos loved education very much. At an early age, children would know how to write and read the ancient alphabets or the alibata.  Alibata           Alibata   was the first educational trend among the early Filipinos. It was composed of 17 symbols represe

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